Jane Goodall Institute
The Jane Goodall Institute works in wildlife research, conservation, and education. JGI’s Roots and Shoots program empowers young people to get involved locally, for example, planting trees together in school-based environmental clubs and providing training.
Two DTP volunteers work in the Institute’s office in Dar es Salaam and describe their involvement in Tanzania and its long-term impacts:
“I planted 6418 trees with my own hands. It’s good to be able to do my part.”
“I’ve learned that everything in nature is connected and that everything from animals to plants works together. It’s nice to have the opportunity to protect and save all of that.”
“It’s so inspiring to bring people together and have them work on a vision and share with them what I’ve been privileged to learn.”
“Even before the volunteer year, global issues related to equity and sustainability wouldn’t have interested me the way they do now.”

Jane Goodall Institute Tanzania
Frederick Kimaro
For further information, please contact the Hamburg partner.