Dogodogo Multipurpose Training Centre (DMTC)

The Dogodogo Center, as it is called in Dar es Salaam, is a vocational school for street children, among others, which has been providing training in Dar es Salaam since 2003. The boarding school trains carpenters, tailors, and welders.

Dogodogo Centre Street Children Trust was established in 1992 in response to the growing number of vulnerable children living and working on the streets of Dar es Salaam. Some had run away from home due to extreme poverty and/or child abuse. The Trust takes a holistic approach to the needs of children. It seeks to provide emergency services for street children, the poorest and most invisible children who live and work on the streets and without parental care and support.

Over the past 22 years, more than 4,500 children have benefited from the center’s services, including medical, educational, and vocational training. In addition to helping 500 children return to their families or join the center’s community, it seeks to protect children’s basic rights.


Holy Ghost Fathers (Spiritans)
Pater Dyfrig Maliti

For further information, please contact the Hamburg partners.

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