Youth Fire Brigade Hamburg
The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg has a partnership agreement with the port city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. Since 2007, the Hamburg Youth Fire Brigade has been actively involved in the exchange program with measures in Tanzania and Germany. Since then, friendly relations have existed between the Youth Fire Brigade, the Professional Fire Brigade, and the Hamburg Volunteer Fire Brigade with the Dar es Salaam Professional Fire Brigade and the Dogodogo Centre, where former street children receive vocational training in crafts and a boarding school fire department was founded with the support of the Hamburg partners.
Cooperation and understanding with other countries and with young people and in our case especially with young people in fire departments in Europe and other regions in the world are an important part of our youth work. By promoting international youth work in the form of youth exchange and professional programs, we enable young people and professionals to actively gain international experience, acquire intercultural skills, value diversity, and work across national borders.
It is remarkable to see how quickly young people and professionals feel like a community, how open they are with each other, and how few language barriers hold them back when it comes to getting to know each other, working together, holding competitions, but also having a lot of fun together.