HafenCity University Hamburg

HafenCity University Hamburg was founded by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg in 2006 as the University of Architecture and Spatial Development by merging four departments from three Hamburg universities.

Here, all aspects of construction in design and drafting, engineering and natural sciences as well as humanities and social sciences are united under one roof.

To truly capitalize on the opportunities presented by the creation of such a specialized university, we have begun a public debate on the pressing issues of development, design, and the future of our built world. We want to scrutinize the teaching and research foci of our disciplines, identify our own strengths within these disciplines, define innovative topics and methods of our future orientation at the interfaces of the disciplines, and develop inter- and transdisciplinary fields of learning and research. Together we want to develop new approaches to solving the problems of our cities in the 21st century.


HafenCity University Hamburg
Department of “Environmentally Sound Urban and Infrastructure Planning” and study program REAP (Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Dickhaut
Überseeallee 16
20457 Hamburg

Tel. +49 40 428275095 (d.)


Our cooperation

The partnership

The partner on site

in Hamburg

in Dar es Salaam