Action for Community Care (ACC) ACC was founded in 2008 in Tanzania as Tanzanian-Dutch cooperation with the aim to support orphans and people living with HIV in Tanzania and to inform about HIV prevention. In the meantime, the NGO supports mainly rural initiatives that want to change something for the


DAWASA DAWASA (Dar es Salaam Water and Sewage Authority = public water supplier and sewage disposal company in Dar es Salaam) DAWASCO (DAWASCorporation = Operation management company for the water supply and wastewater disposal network; is meanwhile been integrated into DAWASA) Contact If you are interested in

Kama Kawa Production

Kama Kawa Production G-Solo (Gerald Mwanjoka) is a veteran of the Tanzanian rap movement. He established his own music studio in the heart of Dar Es Salaam city called Kama Kawa Production. Kama Kawa is the abbreviation for KAMA KAWAIDA. It is a common Swahili expression and means normal. We

Asania Front Cathedral

Asania Front Cathedral Azania Front Lutheran Cathedral is a church under the East and Coast Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. It was built by German missionaries between 1899 and 1902 in Gothic style and is located in the city center, near the sea, overlooking the harbor. The


KILUVYA SECONDARY SCHOOL Kiluvya is a government Secondary School in the Pwani district of Dar es Salaam. Over 1460 students (703 male, 764 female) are educated by a qualified staff of 52 teachers. They ensure that the school and the students face a bright future. Contact Further

Chang’ombe Secondary School

Chang’ombe Secondary School Chang'ombe Secondary School is located on Taifa Road in the Temeke district of Dar es Salaam. It is part of the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE). It was declared the constituent college of the University of Dar es Salaam in 2005. Chang'ombe Secondary School is

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