Amana Referal Hospital – Dar es Salaam
Amana Hospital in Dar es Salaam is a large government hospital located near the city center. It is classified as a “regional referral hospital.” i.e. it is classified in the Tanzanian classification directly below the national leading university hospital. The area comprises approx. 1.2 million inhabitants. The hospital has 353 beds and provides additional daily care for c.a. 800-1,200 outpatients. In the gynecological department, there are about 40-60 births per day.
Other departments include surgery, internal medicine, a neonatal unit (with a premature birth unit under construction), an imaging department, a large laboratory, and a physical therapy department. The hospital plays a key role in the outpatient and inpatient care of HIV patients in Dar es Salaam.
The hospital has maintained an intensive partnership with the VIMZ in Hamburg for many years.

For further information, please contact the Hamburg partner.