AQUA AGENTS Office In the educational offer AQUA-AGENTEN children of the 3rd and 4th grade go on the water mission and playfully learn about the importance of water for people, nature, and the economy. When working with the AQUA-AGENTEN suitcase in class or when visiting extracurricular learning sites, the focus

Water connects

Water connects the people of the world - Hamburg with Dar es Salaam Students from Hamburg and Dar es Salaam explored their city, their immediate surroundings. The motto of the photo project was "Water connects the people of the world - Hamburg with Dar es Salaam". In Hamburg, the

District school Wilhelmsburg

District school Wilhelmsburg The District school Wilhelmsburg is a state-run general education school with grades preschool, grades 1-10, and a cooperating upper school at the Nelson Mandela School. It is located on the Elbe island of Wilhelmsburg at Rothenhäuser Straße and is 300 meters away from Georg Wilhelmstraße. The work


KILUVYA SECONDARY SCHOOL Kiluvya is a government Secondary School in the Pwani district of Dar es Salaam. Over 1460 students (703 male, 764 female) are educated by a qualified staff of 52 teachers. They ensure that the school and the students face a bright future. Contact Further

Helene Lange High School

Helene Lange High School Helene Lange High School Hamburg is a public high school in the southwest of the Hamburg district of Harvestehude, on the border with Eimsbüttel. It was founded in 1910 as a state secondary school for girls and has been open to boys since 1969. As a

More than 15 years of school partnership

Almost 15 years of school partnership School partnership Helene-Lange-Gymnasium and Kiluvya Secondary School As Germany's oldest UNESCO project school, Helene Lange Gymnasium maintains many international contacts, including, with the state-run, co-educational Kiluvya Secondary School in Tanzania since 2006. The first round of exchanges quickly developed into a regular school

High school Farmsen

High school Farmsen High school Farmsen is a state-run, half-bilingual high school in Hamburg-Farmsen-Berne. It is located on the street Swebenhöhe 50 in the district Farmsen. The school was founded back in 1956 and has a staff of 60 for approximately 700 students. The areas of social learning and intercultural

Chang’ombe Secondary School

Chang’ombe Secondary School Chang'ombe Secondary School is located on Taifa Road in the Temeke district of Dar es Salaam. It is part of the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE). It was declared the constituent college of the University of Dar es Salaam in 2005. Chang'ombe Secondary School is

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