Women Football in Tanzania and Germany
“Women Football in Tanzania and Germany” is a project of the women’s and girls’ football department of FC St. Pauli from Hamburg and the Simba Queens from Dar es Salaam, who want to use women’s soccer to promote gender equality as part of the city partnership.
During the course of the project, both teams deal intensively with the role of women in society and with the cultural differences between the two countries, as well as with the colonial history that is closely connected to this. Not only will the participants be sensitized to the topic, but the results obtained will also be disseminated to the public by means of various measures.

Picture: Ariane Gramelspacher
The centerpiece of the project is a visit by the Simba Queens soccer players to Hamburg and a visit by FC St. Pauli to the Simba Queens in Dar es Salaam. During these visits, there will be a social program with various joint workshops, as well as project visits, in which both teams will work on the topic of gender equality. Joint soccer training sessions also serve to help the group get to know each other and grow together, boost participants’ self-confidence, and help promote gender equity.
The overall project takes place within the framework of the ‘weltwärts-Begegnungen’ of Engagement Global, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
More info?
If you want to know more about us and our project please contact us at austausch@fcstpauli-frauenfussball.de
Reports and photos from the exchange at
Pictures: Ariane Gramelspacher