High school Farmsen
The Gymnasium is a general education high school in the northeast of Hamburg with a bilingual branch. The areas of social learning and intercultural learning represent focal points of the school’s pedagogical concept. Since 2014, the school has been working on the project “Post-Colonial Memory Cultures in Dar es Salaam and Hamburg” together with Chang’ombe Secondary School in Dar es Salaam and the University of Hamburg. The school partnership also included youth exchange trips to Dar es Salaam and Hamburg.

The basic principle of the partnership between Farmsen High School and Chang’ombe Secondary School is academic exchange. The starting point of the content work is the common past of Hamburg and Dar es Salaam. Today’s Tanzania was part of the colony of German East Africa from 1885 to 1918. Dar es Salaam was the seat of the colonial administration from 1890 and the city of Hamburg was one of the centers of German colonial trade and policy. In both cities, traces of the German colonial era can still be seen today. The reappraisal of colonial history, including the role of the city of Hamburg, has so far been a rather niche topic in the school context. Farmsen Gymnasium School and Chang’ombe Secondary School have set themselves the task of coming to terms with their shared colonial history.