Chang’ombe Secondary School
Chang’ombe Secondary School is located on Taifa Road in the Temeke district of Dar es Salaam. It is part of the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE). It was declared the constituent college of the University of Dar es Salaam in 2005. Chang’ombe Secondary School is owned by DUCE as a demonstration school. It was part of a web-based platform of the change project of the Life Academy of Karlstad Sweden within the program “ICT and Pedagogical Development 2013B”.
Teachers, school administrators, and students at Chang’ombe Secondary School are encouraged to participate in this web-based platform to exchange and share information, provide feedback and announcements, and education-related information for the school.
The following subjects are taught at this school: History, English, Geography, Kiswahili, Civics, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Commerce, and Accounting.
There are also electives such as Bible knowledge, Islamic knowledge, German, French, and additional math.

Further information at the German partner