HAMBURG WASSER in Dar es Salaam

HAMBURG WASSER in Dar es Salaam As a municipal water supply and wastewater disposal company, HAMBURG WASSER applies its know-how in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). A close partnership with DAWASA and DAWASCO in Dar es Salaam has existed since 2005. 2009 – 2015close cooperation has developed between the water

8 years of cultural youth exchange

8 years of cultural youth exchange The Kigamboni Community Centre (KCC) and the KinderKulturKarawane For more than 20 years, the KinderKulturKarawane has invited children's and youth cultural groups from the Global South to Germany. The groups present their artistic productions from the fields of dance, theater, music, and circus

As brothers and sisters in faith

Walking together as brothers and sisters in faith The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) with its 26 dioceses is one of the partner churches of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany. The partnership is maintained at various levels by church congregations, districts church, and at the level

Water connects

Water connects the people of the world - Hamburg with Dar es Salaam Students from Hamburg and Dar es Salaam explored their city, their immediate surroundings. The motto of the photo project was "Water connects the people of the world - Hamburg with Dar es Salaam". In Hamburg, the

More than 15 years of school partnership

Almost 15 years of school partnership School partnership Helene-Lange-Gymnasium and Kiluvya Secondary School As Germany's oldest UNESCO project school, Helene Lange Gymnasium maintains many international contacts, including, with the state-run, co-educational Kiluvya Secondary School in Tanzania since 2006. The first round of exchanges quickly developed into a regular school

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