Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH)

Muhimbili National Hospital is a national government referral hospital. This means that the most serious cases are transferred here from the various hospitals in the country. Attached is a university teaching hospital.

It sees 1,000 to 1,200 outpatients per week and admits 1,000 to 1,200 inpatients per week. The hospital has 2,700 employees, 300 of whom are physicians and specialists, and 900 registered and enrolled nurses. The other employees take over supporting tasks.

The Muhimbili is very interested in international exchange and has a hospital partnership with the Altona Children’s Hospital in Hamburg in the field of neonatal care since 2019.


Dr. Apanasia Ndossa
Dr. Judith Cosmas
Dr. Antke Züchner

For further information, please contact the Hamburg partner.

Our cooperation

The partnership

The partner on site

in Hamburg

in Dar es Salaam