Government action within three days of the first case:

Stand: 21.03.2020

  • A major educational campaign about the corona, routes of spread, and prevention measures have begun.
  • All major events are canceled, from sports to weddings, and bars closed
  • All schools and universities closed
  • Visits to prisons prohibited
  • The population is encouraged to make cashless payments with mobile devices or online as far as possible.
  • Tightening of controls at airports
  • Zanzibar closes the borders for tourists
  • A national medical emergency plan was put into effect. Certain priority hospitals will treat those infected. (In Dar es Salaam this is the Muhimbili).
  • At the moment they are looking for ways to make bus stations and the entire public transport safer. Friday, it was first determined that each bus may only take passengers according to the official number of seats, and disinfection facilities are provided at the bus stations.
  • Prices for disinfectants and masks explode in Dar es Salaam.
  • The Union of Southern African Countries (SADC) wants to work together to fight Corona, and among other things, jointly purchase en bloc the necessary medicines and medical supplies to achieve affordable prices. (Tanzania News,Dar es Salaam,20.03.2020)