Film festival:
Augen Blicke Afrika
Since 2012 we have been organizing the film festival “Augen Blicke Afrika” in Hamburg at the Studio-Kino.
We want to give an impression of what moves people in Africa, how African directors see their continent, and what issues occupy them. “Augen Blicke Afrika” aims to arouse curiosity about Africa and counter the one-sided image of the “continent of problems” with a multifaceted view.
Over the years, we have been able to invite more than 50 filmmakers and their productions to Hamburg to enable an exchange of information and opinions between directors and the public. In addition, cooperations with associations, foundations, and federations enable us to deepen the individual film topics in discussions with experts.

We were particularly pleased to receive the “Development Hamburg 2019” award from the North German Foundation for Environment and Development – NUE. We are looking forward to exciting new film productions from Africa and to many old and new encounters in the cinema.
Our festival is organized by a small volunteer team: From raising funds, and selecting films to PR work, we spend nine months each year preparing, running, and managing the festival.
Anyone who also finds our work important and exciting is welcome to join the team!